When I think back, it was during my high school years that I began to make plans that would lead me to live a balanced life. As an adult I knew I wanted to lead a life that was less stressed, more relaxed, and full of pleasure. I can remember imagining the options that were available. It was a lot like trying to decide what dress to wear to the prom. At that age there weren't many life altering decisions thrown my way. Except for the decision to attend college, I pretty much had no other major challenges that had directional impact toward my future. I thought about being the type of adult who made excuses and fabrications to explain "away" those things that I have neglected to accomplish or made poor choices about. On the other hand, I could be the type who met the challenge straight on and would hold myself accountable for whatever the outcome would be. The decision wasn't rocket science and I chose to be the type of adult that I most admired and could look up to. Now that I am the ideal adult I've always wanted to be, I look back at the last 27yrs and see clearly what it took to make that decision a reality.
As a teen, I had to identify the areas of life I wanted/needed to maintain a good balance. This was particularly difficult because this time in my life was such a turning point. During this time I found some relief when I noticed that some areas would automatically balance when other areas that were closely connected stabilized. After revisiting that area throughout my college career, I felt a need to look at a greater point of reference. I didn't have a book to read on this matter nor did I feel completely trusting of anyone to tell me how to accomplish this task. I decided that the best thing to do was to mimic the best example known to mankind, the example that has stood the test of time millennia after millennia. My end result was to follow the examples set by nature. The first thing I could think about when the topic of balance is brought up in the context of nature is trees. The largest trees on the planet had to start as a seed and maintain balance in order to grow strong and sturdy. I now think of the roots of the large tree as my foundation and the trunk of the tree is my conviction, dedication, determination, and courage. The branches represent my different areas of focus.
- I am the tree whose root system is the principle foundation and view of self, others, and the natural surroundings. I am nature's manifestation of warmth and gratitude. My focus is the attraction to and assembly with other life forms. This lays a pathway toward better understanding and our placement in the vastness of being.
- I am the tree whose trunk encases a will to succeed and the strength to attempt the journey. My determination presses onward watching in the wake of its path as the most derogatory statements reduce themselves to nothing more than a tenuous suggestion.
- I am the tree whose branches have ventured out towards the rewards of the luminous and welcoming skies. With my every growing focus, I expand my reach to encompass all things nature-filled and douse my leaves with the promise of each new sun.
I call upon my ancestors when I cannot understand something that seems too amazing to be real "Ga'el Azeeir S'ktuU" (pronounced: ga- el- azee-air-sank-too) (means: process this for my clarity, please). I keep the essence of my being as it was originally given to me: Sacred, pure, and in harmony. I lavish myself in the strongest vibrations to manifest healings and universal intent. I sing the songs of love and life through my daily chants for universal balance through natural order. I judge ONLY MY dedications and let their corrected paths become airborne. I cast into the nebulas of rebirth all that doesn't suit the harmonics of growth so that it may find a rightful place and spawn the good balance. I teach to all those who want to know and I accept teachings from the most pure source ever known no matter its manifestation. I forward and retrograde my powers of understanding to make right my movements in harmony set forth and willed by nature. I grant, with each beam assembled unto me, with absolute singularity, the permissions needed and necessary to communicate in whole with ONLY my ancestors and of them ONLY those who are in alignment with the natural order of the sun, moon, void, earth, water, fire, and air. All these things I do to adjust balance, ring harmony, and conduct natural order.
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