

"As you look up in wonderment of the birds that spread their wings, they look down in wonderment of why you have stopped!" - Lyra Lane

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Dream Speak of Faded Illusions (2011)

Have you ever had a dream that felt more like a memory? What about a dream that seemed to replay each night for several days? Have you experienced dreams that seem to play like sequels in your mind? Well, I have had each one of these dreams and spent many days trying to figure out what they meant until I realized that they weren't dreams at all. They were memories of mine that somehow escaped or were misfiled under the wrong "time period." YES, that's right, I said the wrong time period. As if I had traveled through time/space into the realms of that which is unknown to us (dreamers).

So what's so special about these dreams that I felt the need to blog about them? Well first of all, I tried to avoid blogging, Vlogging, video taping, and any other possible means of notification about this. Not that I didn't want to but that it just seems sooo.... well, STRANGE (lol). I am not one to desire much attention for strange or out of the ordinary behaviors so this was something I wanted to keep in the vault for as long as possible. It will take me several blogs (days and more days) to share with you what I have experienced in these dream memories. I don't mind that at all and I will gladly share if it means that I can release some of the intense emotion that I carry around with me from day to day. I don't want to paint a fractured picture of my experience but let's just say that they haven't ALL BEEN happy-go-lucky experiences (lol).

There have been some pretty unusual experiences and there has been some pretty FANTASTIC ones. I think it would be easier to begin with my initial acceptance of this experience. I had many, many dreams/memories that reoccurred nightly. In these memories, there were songs sang in languages that I never heard or understood. This language became so familiar to me that I would sing the songs even during waking periods. Months later, THAT language was the only one spoken during my dream episodes. I thought nothing of it in the beginning but soon thought it was too FANTASTIC not to at least journal about it. So I did. I have many phrases, words, and symbols that I have captured from my experiences and thought to keep them to myself. I cannot do this any longer because the POWER WITHIN these phrases beckon my inner light to share the experience. So I did :-)

 I just uploaded a video of this language and although I was hesitant I don't believe the providers of this knowledge will allow me to wait any longer. You see, there is SOMETHING WONDERFUL heading our way soon. It won't seem so wonderful in the beginning but then a newly constructed home doesn't seem so nice until after the saw dust is swept away and the new furniture arrives (lol). Have a listen if you would like. Comments for the video will not be available on my you tube page however, you are more than welcome to leave your comments here about this blog or about the video.

Thank you for reading and dream WONDERFULLY to enjoy your world!

Friday, January 7, 2011


The cycles of life are amazing. It wouldn't seem that something that reoccurred throughout the course of your life could be looked at as being amazing but when you consider the mechanism that must be in place in order for this cycle to repeat itself time and time again then you appreciate the title of this blog. Right now I am traveling down the road to greater health and a more compassionate and truth filled existence. I decided to lead the life of a raw vegan for the entire year (currently into day #8 of 365). This is a decision that I have been going over in my head for a long time now. Even during the summer months I thought about it. I feel that I am at my best when I am in control of what I eat. This time last year I was a practicing raw vegan which is why I feel the cycles of life are so amazing. We as a race of human beings easily forget the cycles that our lives travel through and therefor we end up not recognizing special events and triggers that alert us to coming events. Can these cycles be set? My answer to this question is a resounding YES! Not only can they be reset but the SHOULD BE RESET. Each time you pass through a cycle, your action should be to reset it so that on the next pass, you are experiencing things on a different level or from a different perspective. I feel that this is a key element in the journey through life. So how do we reset our individual cycles? The quick answer....through change. Most often we look at change as the "other" four letter word...haha. However, it is a good word and one that simply makes sense when you understand that cycles depend on change to happen. Have you ever heard someone say "Do something different this year that you have not done." Well, I take this to mean, with each new sun, strive for a new experience. This could be listening to different music to try and understand why a certain group of people prefer it over your current choice of music. It could mean eating differently than you have ever eaten. I cold mean wear clothing that didn't cause an animal to get slaughtered. It could mean any number of things. The bottom line is, strive to make the change so that when your cycle happens you "cycle-up!"