In the parallel universe theory it is thought that there is a copy of each person, each planet, each universe, etc. scattered throughout the multi-verse. This repetitious pattern allows for any possible thought to manifest. Therefore, anything that you think can happen HAS happened or WILL occur in the near future. This made me wonder about DejaVu you know, that feeling you get that you have been HERE before or that you have done something and it feels as if you are repeating it. There has been several times in my life, as I look back, that I have felt was a significant turning point and now I believe that I am comfortable with the reason I felt this way.
Every dream that I have had and every DEEP thought that I have had could possibly be my CHANGE from one existence in one universe to another existence in a different universe. That may be all it takes to make the change. To travel at the speed of thought! So follow this:
Picture yourself on a bicycle riding on a winding road. The winding parts of the road are not visible until you get right up to them so they sort of take you by surprise and you make a decision at a moment's notice. Whatever decision you make determines where you are at any given time.
Now imagine that the road is the universe you occupy at that particular moment and the bike is your life. YOU, the person riding the bike are the essence of you or the spirit, the entity. You determine how you want to travel through life by the split second decisions you make at any given moment. If you decide you want to feel healthier, you are immediately riding on the road in the universe that has you leading a healthy life. If you decide you want to be evil and angry towards people then you immediately began to ride down the road in the universe that has you leading a life that reflects this. When you do destructive things to yourself or to others, you instantly live in the universe that has your lifestyle reflecting destructive patterns. Knowing this can instantly change your direction in life. You can be the person you want to be and live the life you want to live. It is all in what you think.